
TLM Primary 2022

S.No. Class Topic Sub-Topic Brief Description Link for Writeup/ Video/ Photographs of TLM Prepared Prepared By
1. I, II Addition Simple addition Mode of activity - individual/pair
Objective –
1. To inculcate number recognition.
2- To help learners learn in a fun way.
3- Learners will be able to add two numbers as per class appropriate.
4- The concept of sum total will be clear with hands on experience.
Material required- A cardboard box , sketch pen, colour chart paper.
Steps and procedure -
Cover the box with an attractive chart paper .
Make two holes on top of box
Add cartoon character face for making TLM interesting and attractive.
Instructions - Two students will be called in front of class and will be given some small balls. Each student will drop those balls through holes on top of the box.
When all balls will be put into the box, then one student will take balls out one by one, counting along.
Then teacher will ask simple questions related to the activity to the class. After getting satisfied answers, teacher will talk about the term “sum” and that it is the total or addition of two digits/numbers.
This activity can be done individually as well as in pair.
Link Rakhi Sharma GSKV, Sec 16, Rohini (1413070)
2. I, II Addition Addition of double and triple digits Mode of activity - individual, pair and small groups
- to make students understand the concept of Addition
- to provide concrete representation of the Addition algorithm
- to provide hands on practice for Addition of double or triple digits in a playful manner
- to make student understand the concept of carrying in the process of adding numbers
- to revisit the concept of place value in addition
Material required - cardboard, coloured chart paper, fevicol, black bold marker, pastel sheets, cellophane sheet, black white board marker
Steps and Procedure -
1. Cut two rectangle pieces (A1 and A2) from the cardboard.
2. Cut out the layout as shown in the picture in one of the rectangle pieces (A2).
3. Paste chart papers of different colours on both the rectangle pieces.
4. Now outline the layout on the cardboard (A2) with black bold marker.
5. Cover the rectangle piece (A2) with cellophane sheet.
6. Now paste A2 on A1. The board is ready
7. Now cut out coloured chits in the shape of circle and mark them from digit 0 to 9. Make three to four sets.
8. Write other details on the board as shown in the picture.
Introduction :
Mathematical concepts are very abstract in nature. In order to teach these concepts to young kids, it is very important to provide them some concrete representation of these concepts. Double or triple digits Addition involving the process of carrying is also one of the difficult and abstract concepts that young don't kids find difficult to grasp. So, this DIY calculator is the fast and easy way to teach children double and triple digits maths. They will have fun while playing and learning and before they realize, they are learning exactly how to do it on the paper. Maths doesn't have to be boring, right!!
Any other remark:
This board can be used to teach the concept of place value. This can also be extended to teach Addition of more than three digits as well
Link Prachi Malik SKV Gokalpuri (1104020)
3. I, II Maths Addition Mode of Activity: Pair
1. Understanding single digit addition.
2. Constructing facts using concrete objects.
3. Employing addition in real life.
4. Appraising through Sensory Bay... old shoe Box Material Required:
Old shoe box, 2 Reusable Plastic Cups, Beads/ Pebbles / Marbles, 2 Dices, Sheets & Wall Tape.
Steps and Procedures:
1. Call two students randomly and ask them to roll 2 different dices.
2. Then ask them to put that no. of beads in different cups which appeared on the top of their respective rolled dices.
3. Using addition box, they will rule out the sum of those two numbers by counting total beads collected in shoe box.
1. students should not put beads in their mouth (to avoid choking on beads).
2. Beads must be put through cups and not directly into box.
Any other Remark:
Mind enhancing sensory play to provide hands on activity to consolidate addition concept.
Link1 Link2 Tripti G Co-Ed SV, Jaffarpur Kalan (1822055)
4. I, II, III Counting Hands 1) Number Recognition
2) Addition
3) Subtraction
4) Number comparison (greater than/less than
Mode of activity: Individuals, Pair and small Group
1)Students will recognize numbers upto 10
2) Students will engage in Addition and Subtraction of one digit numbers
3) Students will explore the concepts of Number Comparison upto one digit numbers
Instructions: teacher can conduct a session in pair or small groups or individually. S/He will demonstrate the use of fingers to recognise numbers and explore concepts of addition and subtraction. They can fold fingers and paste the velcro to get number of their choice. This TLM can also be used to practice sums of addition and subtraction
Link Pragya Manchanda G Co-Ed SV Rampura (1411032)
5. I, II, III, IV, V Number System Counting Mode of Activity – Individual/Pair/Large Group
Students will acquire knowledge of Numbers.
Students can count the forward and backward numbers.
Material Required –
Paper Cups, Chart Paper, Fevicol, Cardboard, Colour tape etc.
Steps and Procedures-
1. First we took some paper cups and
2.wrote the Counting 0-9.
3. Then we did some cutting and pasting to enhance the model or TLM. Now Model or TLM is ready to use.
4. Now the process of using this TLM is we’ll put one cup in another to create further counting.
Instruction- Instructional Materials provide the core information that students will experience, learn and apply during this.
Link Suman Goel GSKV Pooth Kalan (1412027)
6. I, II, III, IV, V Number System Place Value Mode of activity:-
1. Students will be able to know about numbers and place value.
2. Students will understand the difference between face value and place value.
3. Students will be able to find the place value of numbers.
Material required:-
Cardboard, Thermocoal glass, straw pipe, chart paper, marker colour, scissors, glue etc.
Steps and procedure:-
1. Paste a chart paper on card board
2. Paste the cups of thermacoal
3. draw the lines that indicates difference between place value that is decimal, ones, tens, Hundreds,
1. In ONES’ cup students will count and put straws
2. When the count reaches ten, the teacher will make a group of 10 straws and put it in TENS cup
3. The process repeats similarly for HUNDREDS and THOUSANDS cup
Link Ashok Kumar SBV ‘O’ Block Mangolpuri
7. III Division Division Mode of Activity-
small group
To understand the concept of Division
Steps and Procedure
First of all, we keep some bowls on the chart paper and number them.
Now, we will illustrate with an example.
Say if we have to solve (12÷4)we take12 colourful beads and start putting beads one by one in the bowls .starting from 1 to 4.Till all the beads are finished
Then, we count number of beads in each bowl.
Beads in each bowl is your answer ( Quotient)
Link Monika SKV Avantika Sec-1 Rohini (1413030)
8. III Division Division of numbers Mode of activity -
Objective -
Students will be able to learn about division.
Materials Required –
Cardboard, Brown sheet, Paper cups, Chart papers, Markers, one pen, Pencil and eraser, Scissors, Ice cream sticks etc.
Steps and Procedure-
* Take a cardboard and cover it with brown paper and cut some holes into it for ice cream sticks.
* Prepare the cups and paste them making different numbers.
*Paste the numbers for dividend and make slots for question, quotient and remainder using chart paper.
*Finish it up by naming the machine with marker and pen.
Instructions -
*Use the TLM carefully by removing the sticks and counting them and putting them into cups.
*We will get our remainder in the form of remaining sticks and quotient in the form of number of cups used.
Link1 Link2 Sarita SKV No. 2, A- Block, Jahangirpuri (1309254)
9. IV Fractions Representing parts of a whole through fractions Mode of activity-
Large group.
Identifies 1/2,1/4,1/6,1/3 of a circle through paper folding.
Material required-
colours, colour papers, chart papers, cutouts of circles.
steps and procedures-
1. Exercise on dividing a circle into 2,4,3,6 equal halves and equal parts.
2. Representing divided parts in terms of fraction like 1/2,1/4,1/6,1/8 etc.
3. Compare 1/2 part with 1/4 part.
1. All the divided parrs should be equal.
2. Count the number of parts in 1/2 and 1/8.
Link Janki Devi VSSKV No.1, Kalkaji (1925029)
10. IV Fraction Identification of Fraction Pizza fraction Game
Spin the spinner, the player picks the cutouts of the parts which he gets on the spinner the team who complete the pizza first will be the winner
Activity 2
A pizza shop owners fulfils the request of his demanding customer order. Tony's customer routinely order pizza in fractions such as half 1/4, 1/8 ,1/16 depending on the size of the pizzas.
Students have 5 minutes to fill as many pizza orders and possible the goal of making as much money the team who earn highest money will be the winner
Link Jyotsana SKV Adarsh Nagar (1309031)
11. IV Mathematics Odd and even Mode of activity-
individual, small group
to understand the concept of odd and even. To identify, classify and differentiate between odd and even numbers. To apply number operations and observe odd and even numbers.
Material required-
shoe box, coloured papers, tape, ice-cream sticks
Steps and procedures-
I took a shoe box and pasted the box with its lid. Wrapped the box with a coloured chart paper. Cut two circles on its lid. And just below those circles, I mentioned odd numbers and below another, I mentioned even numbers. I took some ice cream sticks and on those sticks i pasted small circles made up of coloured sheets, and on those circles i wrote numbers.
I made students understand the concept of odd and even numbers… I called students one by one to pock any stick, identify the numbers written on that stick as even or odd and put the stick in the holes.
As a group activity I divided class into 2 groups (A and B) and asked two students from A group to pick any two numbers and the rest of the students of their group will add those two numbers and after adding the numbers, identify them as even and odd.
same procedure was repeated with other number operations like subtraction, multiplication and division.
Same was done with group B
Link Neha RSKV No. 1 Shakarpur (1002196)
12. IV Number system Fraction Mode of activity:
1) identify types of fractions.
2) Compare and contrast different type of fractions
Material required:
cardboard, coloured sheet, glue.
Steps and procedure:
take a cardboard.
Cut sheets of different colour and make fraction.
taking different parts we demonstrate how fraction can be make.
Link Sangeeta Mathur SKV Chhawla (1821026)
13. I Mathematical Operations Addition Mode of activity:
Material required:
A shoe box, disposable cups, 2 dice, small pebbles/balls/any other material of choice.
Attach two cups on either side of the box. Add colors of your choice to make it attractive. Use a pair of dice and small balls to complete the game box.
Roll both dice
Now drop the ball on the first cup as per the number came on first dice.
Drop in second cup according to the number on the second dice.
Now count all the balls dropped inside the box.
That's the sum.
Link Kavita SKV, J block, Sangam Vihar (1923346)
14. IV, V Shapes 3D shapes Activity-
Small group
To recognise 3D shapes on paper and in environment.
To know about faces, edges and vertices of 3D shapes.
Material required -
Pastel sheets, cardboard, fevicol, marker, scissors, nail-1small plastic box, ice cream sticks. Make the base of model with cardboard then make 3D shapes with pastel sheets, make circles of paper with paper the strip holders under it and paste ice cream sticks. Now make a cylindrical pillar and paste it on base, now put the plastic box n fix the nail. Make a rectangular pillar and put an arrow on it.
This is a working model of 3D shapes showing the faces, edges and vertices which will help children to recognise these shapes on paper and in the environment.
Link Neha Bhatia SKV Ashok Vihar Phase 2 (1411027)
15. V Basic Operations of Mathematics Division Mode of Activity:
small group
To understand the concept of division
Material required:
Cardboard, paper cup, wooden sticks, coloured chart paper, pen etc.
Step and procedure:
Cut the chart paper in rectangle sheets, write the question on it. Prepare different boxes for problem, remainder etc. Write down numbers on paper cups, paste all the cups on board.
Follow the Steps as described in Video
Link Seema Rani GGSSS Sunder Nagri (1106264)
16. V Division Divisor Dividend Quotient and Remainder Objective:
Learning Division through Playway method
Material Required:
chart paper, straws, paper cups and digit strips
Take a question ex 20÷9
Put one straw in one column of digit in dividend row.
Make group of straws from dividend column according to divisor.
Put a group of straws in cups of divisor column.
Remaining straws are remainder
Link Ganak Shalini RSKV Patparganj (1002031)