Education Department
Government of NCT of Delhi
S.No | Designation | Name of Officer | Office Phone | FAX Number | Email ID | Office Address | Link for Other Officers |
1. | Education Minister | Sh. Ashish Sood | |||||
2. | Secretary (Education) | Sh. Ashok Kumar | 23890187, 23890119 | 23890187 | secyedu[at]nic[dot]in | Secretary (Education), Education Department, Old Secretariat, New Delhi-110054 | |
3. | Director, Directorate of Education | Ms. Veditha Reddy | 23890172, 363 | 23890355 | diredu[at]nic[dot]in | Director Education (DoE) ,Room No-12, Old Secretariat, New Delhi-110054 | DoE Officers Contacts |
4. | State Project Director (SS) | Ms. Nazuk Kumar | 23811442, 23810647 | 23810658 | spd_delhi[at]rediffmail[dot]com | Samagra Shiksha, Office of U.E.E. Mission (A Society Under Education Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi), Lucknow Road, Delhi-110054 | |
5. | Director, SCERT | Ms. Nazuk Kumar | 22522458 | dir12scert[at]gmail[dot]com | Director, State Council of Educational Research and Training, Varun Marg, Defence Colony, New Delhi -110024 | SCERT & DIET Officers Contacts |
S.No | Designation | Name of Officer | Office Phone | FAX Number | Email ID | Office Address | Link for Other Officers |
1. | Director, Education Department, MCD | Ms. Akansha Sharma | 0123456789 | mcd-ithelpdesk[at]mcd[dot]nic[dot]in | Director (Education), 24th Floor, Dr. S.P.M. Civic Centre, Minto Road, New Delhi – 100002 | ||
2. | Director, Education Department, NDMC | Ms. Kritika Choudhary | 011-41501354-60 ext-3628 | director[dot]education[at]ndmcmail[dot]gov[dot]in | Director (Education), NDMC, Palika Kendra, New Delhi-110001 | NDMC Officers Contacts | |
3. | CEO, Delhi Cantonment Board | Sh. Kapil Goyal | 25693837, 25695450 | 25695038 | ceodelhicantt[at]gmail[dot]com | CEO,Office of Cantonment Board,Sadar Bazar,Delhi Cantt,New Delhi-110010 | DCB Officers Contacts |